by Roberto Escamilia
Practice the discipline and art of loving and see all the blessings God will bring about in your life.Creating new practices during this time of Covid-19 social distancing and self-imposed quarantines invites us to consider our life of discipline. To be a disciple means to practice discipline. It is part of the etymology of the term disciple. To be a disciple is to live a disciplined life — a life of a learner. Dr. Scott Peck in his excellent book, The Road Less Traveled, reminds us over and over again, that following over 40 years of psychiatric practice, he has come to the conclusion that most of the problems in life are the result of a lack of discipline. We can believe that statement because we have experienced it in our own lives. During this time of self-imposed quarantine and the requirements to stay in our homes, we can begin the practice of discipline in several areas of our lives. For instance, the disciplines of how we use our time, how we relate to one another in vital and positive ways, planning wisely, practicing appropriate rest, exercise and nutrition, loving and forgiving, and so forth. Brother Stanley in his incomparable ways, was a man who practiced discipline daily. In his book, The Way to Power and Poise, he has included significant statements so relevant to our contemporary situation. He writes, “No matter what happens on the outside, we will still be secure. If that can’t happen, we are sunk.” He was referring to the practice of the in-dwelling power of the Holy Spirit, for it is the Holy Spirit that enables us to have both power and poise, in spite of the difficult circumstances we are experiencing. So, we need to ask ourselves again and again, “what can we learn out of this experience?” If nothing else, I hope we learn to practice discipline daily. Please read I Corinthians 13 every day throughout the duration of Covid-19 and even beyond. Keep in mind Jesus’ new commandment, when he said, “a new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you” (John 13:34). The discipline of love, just by itself, would prove to be an excellent starting point in our journey. Practice the discipline and art of loving and see all the blessings God will bring about in your life. “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever — the Spirit of truth.” John 14:15 PRAYER O Lord, forgive me for my negligence in practicing discipline and help me to be a true disciple. Help me to begin again today to truly learn wisdom during this time of limitations, constraints and being secluded. Amen. |
Online Ashram InformationWe would enjoy your participation in the online Ashrams happening over the next few weeks. Here is a list of online Ashrams: The first online Ashram will be the Refresh, Restore, Renew Retreat hosted by the Redwood Christian Ashram. You can learn more about this online event meeting June 28-July 3 by going to their website: The second online Ashram will be the North American Christian Ashram. This online Ashram will meet July 10-12. You can learn more about this online event by going to the event page: The third online Ashram will be the Texas Christian Ashram meeting July 11-14. The link for their website will be provided on the United Christian Ashrams Facebook page and included in future emails.Donate Brother Roberto Escamilla, a member of The Four, shared this week’s thought. |